Define Self-Concept. Self-as-Subject Vs. Self-as-Object.

In this article, we will Define Self-Concept. Differentiate between Self-as-Subject and Self-as-Object.

Define Self-Concept.

Self-Concept refers to the collection of beliefs and feelings that an individual has about themselves. It includes perceptions of one’s own abilities, characteristics, and values. In other words, self-concept is the mental and conceptual understanding that one has of oneself. It can be thought of as a multidimensional construct that encompasses an individual’s self-perceptions in various areas, such as physical appearance, intelligence, social skills, morality, and more. Self-concept is an important aspect of an individual’s overall identity and influences their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

According to William Purkey, self-concept refers to an individual’s understanding and beliefs about themselves. He defines self-concept as a learned, organized, and dynamic structure of beliefs that an individual has about themselves.

“Learned” refers to the idea that an individual’s self-concept is not innate, but rather is developed through experiences and interactions with the environment. Individuals learn about themselves from feedback received from others, as well as through their own experiences.

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“Organized” refers to the idea that an individual’s self-concept is structured and ordered. It is composed of various beliefs and attitudes that are related to each other and form a cohesive whole.

“Dynamic” refers to the idea that an individual’s self-concept is not fixed, but rather can change and evolve over time. As individuals have new experiences and gain new knowledge, their self-concept may shift and change as well.

Self-as-Subject Vs. Self-as-Object.

The terms Self-as-Subject and Self-as-Object are used in the context of self-concept or self-awareness.

Self-as-Subject refers to the subjective experience of being a self, the “I” or “me” that experiences the world and has thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. It is the aspect of the self that is aware of and reflects upon one’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

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Self-as-Object, on the other hand, refers to the self as an object of perception, evaluation, and comparison to others. It is the aspect of the self that is concerned with how one is seen or perceived by others, and how one fits in with social norms and expectations.

In simple terms, Self-as-Subject is the experience of being a self, while Self-as-Object is how the self is viewed by others and how it fits into the social world.

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