Concept of Well-Being.

In this article, we will Define the Concept of Well-Being. Delineate the Goals of Applied Positive Psychology.

Concept of Well-Being.

Well-Being is a broad concept that refers to the overall quality of a person’s life, encompassing various aspects such as physical health, mental and emotional well-being, social relationships, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It is often described as a state of optimal functioning and contentment that is achieved when individuals can fulfil their potential, experience positive emotions, and cope effectively with life’s challenges.

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There are many different models of well-being, but common factors include positive affect (i.e. experiencing positive emotions such as joy and contentment), life satisfaction (i.e. the degree to which individuals feel satisfied with their lives), and a sense of purpose or meaning (i.e. having a sense of direction and meaning in life). Other factors that can contribute to well-being include good physical health, strong social support networks, a sense of autonomy and control over one’s life, and the ability to adapt and cope with stress and adversity.

Overall, Well-Being is a multidimensional concept that encompasses both subjective experiences and objective indicators of health and functioning. It is an important aspect of human life and is closely linked to personal and societal flourishing.

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