Challenges faced during Adolescence.

In this article, we will Discuss the challenges faced during adolescence.

Challenges faced during Adolescence discussed below:

Adolescence is defined as the period within the life span when most of a person’s biological, psychological, cognitive, and social characteristics are changing from what is naturally considered childlike to and what is considered adult-like. The adolescent period is a dramatic challenge. One requires adjustment to changes in the self, in the family, and the peer group. In modern society, adolescents experience institutional changes as well.

Adolescence is a period when a teenager undergoes a lot of changes, physically, chemically and emotionally. The adolescent’s life changes dramatically where she/he starts having increased hormone levels. The thought process changes, and also the social life. The teenager has to deal with all these changes at the same time, and this can be extremely challenging.

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Parents should play a highly supportive role during adolescence. They have all the necessary experience, resources and maturity to make this transition as easy as possible. First of all, parents have to, understand the complicated and conflicting requirements of a teenager.

During adolescence, a teenager is trying to build her/his own identity that’s completely separate from their parents. No doubt teenagers love their parents, but they don’t want to follow in the footsteps of their parents. They try to challenge their parents’ authority in every possible way and also pay no attention to suggestions given by their parents. Instead, adolescents prefer to spend more time with their peer group and give all the credit to them.

Another challenge during adolescence is avoiding social interaction with parents and other adults. They prefer to be with their peers. However, this same preference can also lead to anxiety and depression among some adolescents.

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Adolescence is full of challenges for any individual. The change is fast, everywhere, and hard to keep up with. The body changes in response to increasing levels of sex hormones. The thinking process changes as the child can think more broadly and in an abstract way. Social life changes as new people and peers come into scope. Yet the child needs to deal with every single one of these changes, all at the same time! With their willingness to help, that’s where the parents come in, who have “been there”, with the life experience, maturity and resources. So, how can parents help?

Recognising the complex and sometimes conflicting needs of an adolescent would be a good point to start. Adolescents desire to belong to a peer group that would define and support their identity. They may attempt to do things very much out of character just to gain the approval and acceptance of their peers. They tend to hide their weaknesses and exaggerate their strengths. Of course, what adolescents consider as “weakness” or “strength” may sometimes shock their parents.

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