Explain Termination.

In this article, we will Explain Termination and its importance in the Process of Counselling.


Termination in the process of counselling refers to the planned and gradual ending of the therapeutic relationship between the counsellor and the client. It is an important and necessary phase of counselling that serves several purposes. Here are the key aspects related to termination in counselling:

Timing of Termination:

The timing of termination is an essential consideration in counselling. Termination should occur when the client has achieved their goals, made significant progress, and feels ready to end the counselling relationship. Premature termination, where therapy ends before the client is ready, can have negative consequences and hinder the client’s progress.

Resistance to Termination:

Resistance to termination is common and can manifest in various ways. Clients may develop a strong attachment to their counsellor or feel anxious about ending the therapeutic relationship. The counsellor needs to address any resistance and explore the underlying reasons behind it. This allows the client to process their feelings and concerns, facilitating a smoother termination process.

Premature Termination:

Premature termination occurs when a client ends counselling abruptly or before their goals have been achieved. It can happen due to various reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed, lack of motivation, financial constraints, or dissatisfaction with the counselling process. Counsellors should actively explore the reasons for premature termination and address any concerns or unresolved issues to minimize potential negative outcomes.


In some cases, a client may benefit from additional or specialized support beyond the scope of the counsellor’s expertise. Referrals may be made to other professionals or resources that can better address the client’s needs. The counsellor should collaborate with the client in the referral process and ensure a smooth transition to the new service provider.

Follow Up:

Follow-up after termination is an important component of the counselling process. It helps assess the client’s well-being, evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, and provide ongoing support if needed. Follow-up can take the form of phone calls, check-ins, or scheduled sessions to ensure continuity of care and address any emerging issues.

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