Understanding Mind and Behaviour | Notes | Unit 1 | Class 11 | Psychology

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Understanding Mind and Behaviour,” a key topic from the book of Psychology Class 11 Unit 1 of the West Bengal Board (WBCHSE). In this studymat, you’ll find detailed Notes from Psychology Class 11 Chapter 1. This is designed to clarify your understanding and help you excel in your Class 11 Psychology Semester 1 Exam. Additionally, this study material is a valuable resource for competitive exams for psychology students. Stay tuned as we dive into Psychology Class 11 Chapter 1 MCQs with Answers to enhance your grasp of this essential subject further.

Understanding Mind and Behaviour | Notes

Psychology used to be known as the science of the Mind. For a long time, studying the mind was avoided because it couldn’t be easily defined or measured. Thanks to neuroscientists like Sperry and physicists like Penrose, the mind is now respected in psychology. Some scientists believe that a unified theory of the mind might be possible, but it’s still a long way off.

What is the Mind?

The Mind is not the same as the brain, though it cannot exist without the brain. Several interesting cases show this. For example, patients who lost their occipital lobes (the brain part responsible for vision) could still respond to visual cues. An athlete who lost his arm still felt like he had an arm and could even feel its movements. Another case involved a man who, after a brain injury, believed his parents were replaced by imposters. These examples show that even when the brain is damaged, the mind can remain intact.

Scientists used to think the mind and body were separate. However, recent studies show a link between the mind and behaviour. For example, using positive visualisation techniques, patients with blocked arteries imagined blood flowing through their arteries. Over time, this helped reduce the blockage. Mental imagery has also been used to cure phobias. A new field called Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on how the mind can strengthen the immune system.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What is Understanding the Brain and Behavior?
  • What is the Study of the Mind and Behavior?
  • Difference between Mind and Behaviour Class 11 Psychology.
  • What is Understanding Mind and Behaviour?
  • What Type of Psychology Explains Mind and Behavior?
  • What is the Relationship between Mind and Behaviour Class 11 Psychology?
  • What is Mind and Behaviour in Psychology?
  • What is Mind in Psychology Class 11?
  • What is Behaviour and Mind?
  • What is the Study of Behaviour and the Processes of the Mind?

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