Systematic Desensitisation.

In this article, we will discuss Write a short note on Systematic Desensitisation.

Systematic Desensitisation.

What is Systematic Desensitisation?

Systematic Desensitisation is a therapeutic technique used to help individuals overcome phobias, anxiety, and irrational fears. This approach was developed by Joseph Wolpe in the 1950s and is based on the principles of classical conditioning. It is particularly effective for treating specific phobias, such as fear of flying, spiders, or public speaking.

Systematic Desensitisation consists of following steps:

1. Hierarchy Construction:

  • The first step in Systematic Desensitisation used for create a fear hierarchy or fear hierarchy ladder. This hierarchy consists of a list of situations or stimuli related to the feared object or situation, ranked from least anxiety-provoking to most anxiety-provoking.
  • For example, if someone has a fear of flying, their hierarchy may start with less anxiety-inducing situations like looking at pictures of airplanes, then progress to watching videos of planes taking off and landing, and eventually lead to the most anxiety-provoking scenario of taking a short flight.

2. Relaxation Training:

  • Before exposing the individual to the feared stimuli, they are taught relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness, to help them achieve a state of physical and mental relaxation.
  • The goal of relaxation training is to provide the individual with a set of skills to manage anxiety and maintain a sense of calm during the desensitization process.

3. Desensitisation of the Fear-Evoking Stimulus:

  • Once the relaxation training is complete, the individual begins working through the fear hierarchy. They start with the least anxiety-provoking situation and, while maintaining a relaxed state, gradually expose themselves to it.
  • As they become comfortable with that scenario, they move on to the next level in the hierarchy, and so on, until they can confront the most anxiety-provoking situation without experiencing significant fear or anxiety.

The idea behind Systematic Desensitisation is that through repeated exposure to the feared stimuli in a relaxed state, the individual can gradually replace their fear response with a relaxation response. Over time, the previously anxiety-inducing situations become less threatening.

This process is based on the principles of classical conditioning, where the fear response (conditioned response) is gradually extinguished when the feared stimulus (conditioned stimulus) is repeatedly presented without any harmful consequences. Systematic Desensitisation is an evidence-based and effective therapeutic technique for treating phobias and anxiety disorders and has been used successfully in various clinical settings.


  • What is meant by Systematic Desensitisation?
  • What is an example of Systematic Desensitization?
  • What is the principle of Systematic Desensitisation?
  • Who gave the concept of Systematic Desensitization?
  • What can Systematic Desensitisation be used to treat?

In conclusion, we are addressing some common questions related to Systematic Desensitisation. We hope this FAQ section has been helpful in shedding light on the topic we’ve talked about in this article.

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