Quantitative and Qualitative Methods | Notes | Unit 2 | Class 11 | Psychology

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Quantitative and Qualitative Methods,” a key topic from the book of Psychology Class 11 Unit 2 of the West Bengal Board (WBCHSE). In this studymat, you’ll find detailed Notes from Psychology Class 11 Chapter 2. This is designed to clarify your understanding and help you excel in your Class 11 Psychology Semester 1 Exam. Additionally, this study material is a valuable resource for competitive exams for psychology students. Stay tuned as we dive into Psychology Class 11 Chapter 2 MCQs with Answers to enhance your grasp of this essential subject further.

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods | Notes

Quantitative Method:

Quantitative Methods involve collecting data that can be measured and turned into numbers. This is often done using psychological tests, questionnaires, and structured interviews, where participants respond to close-ended questions. These responses are often given in scaled forms, like choosing a number between 1 and 5 to show how strongly they agree with something. The answers are then scored, with the total score indicating a participant’s level on a certain trait, like intelligence. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze these scores, compare them across different groups, and draw conclusions. The goal is to convert psychological attributes into numbers that can be easily compared and analyzed.

Qualitative Method:

Qualitative Methods are used to explore complex human experiences that can’t be easily measured or turned into numbers. For example, if you want to understand how a mother feels after losing her child, you need to hear her story, not just ask her to rate her feelings on a scale. In qualitative research, data is collected through methods like participant observation, unstructured interviews, or field notes. This data is descriptive and often involves the participant’s own words, recorded interviews, or photographs. Researchers analyze this data by identifying common themes and patterns, a process known as content analysis. Unlike quantitative methods, qualitative research focuses on understanding the depth and complexity of human experiences.

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods are not opposites; they can complement each other. Using both methods together helps researchers get a complete understanding of a phenomenon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What are Qualitative Methods and Quantitative Methods?
  • What is the Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative?
  • Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research with Examples
  • Similarities between Qualitative and Quantitative Research.
  • What is Quantitative vs Qualitative Methods Psychology?

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