Psychology as a Discipline | Notes | Unit 1 | Class 11 | Psychology

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Psychology as a Discipline,” a key topic from the book of Psychology Class 11 Unit 1 of the West Bengal Board (WBCHSE). In this studymat, you’ll find detailed Notes from Psychology Class 11 Chapter 1. This is designed to clarify your understanding and help you excel in your Class 11 Psychology Semester 1 Exam. Additionally, this study material is a valuable resource for competitive exams for psychology students. Stay tuned as we dive into Psychology Class 11 Chapter 1 MCQs with Answers to enhance your grasp of this essential subject further.

Psychology as a Discipline | Notes

Psychology studies behavior, experiences, and mental processes. It tries to understand how the mind works and how these processes result in different behaviors. When we observe others, our interpretations can be influenced by our own views. Psychologists aim to minimize these biases to explain behavior more objectively. Some do this by making their analyses scientific, while others consider the perspective of the person experiencing the behavior, believing subjectivity is essential.

In Indian tradition, self-reflection is a key to understanding psychological experiences. Western psychologists also emphasize self-reflection and self-knowledge. Psychology aims to understand and explain behavior systematically and verifiably.

Psychology, though old in knowledge, is a young science, starting formally in 1879 with the first laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. It is considered a social science but is also studied in science faculties, leading to degrees like B.Sc. or M.Sc. Neuroscience and computer science heavily borrow from psychology. Brain imaging techniques like fMRI and EEG study real-time brain processes. Human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence rely on understanding cognitive processes.

Psychology has two main streams:

Biological Science Approach:

Biological Science Approach focuses on biological principles to explain behavior, assuming all behaviors have discoverable causes. Researchers aim to predict and control behavior.

Social Science Approach:

Social Science Approach explains behavior through interactions between a person and their sociocultural context, assuming multiple causes for each behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • Why is Psychology Called a Discipline?
  • What is Psychology as a Discipline Class 11?
  • How is Psychology related to Disciplines?
  • Explain Psychology as a Discipline of Social Science.
  • Psychology as a Discipline and Its Evolution.

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