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Means ends Analysis.

In this article, we will discuss What is Means ends Analysis?

Define Means ends Analysis.

Means ends Analysis is a strategy in which the problem solver divides the problem into a number of sub-problems or smaller problems. Each of those sub-problems is solved by detecting the difference between the original state and the goal state. Then reducing the difference between these two states. The name means-ends analysis fits the process because it involves figuring out the “ends” you want and then figuring out what “means” you’ll use to reach those ends. Every day we all solve problems by using means-ends analysis. The means-ends analysis involves sub-goals to eliminate the difference between the present state and the condition for applying the desired operator.

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Our original state at one point is an equation

2s – 10 + 5 = s + 5 + 8

and our goal state is an equation with single s alone on one side. We reduced the difference between the two states by adding +5 to each side of the equation and subtracting s from each side of the equation.

This strategy repeatedly compares states and seeks operators, establishing sub-goals and finding ways to reach the sub-goals, all on the way to finding a path to the ultimate goal.

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