Bases of Human Behaviour – Introduction | Notes | Unit 3 | Class 11 | Psychology

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Bases of Human Behaviour – Introduction,” a key topic from the book of Psychology Class 11 Unit 3 of the West Bengal Board (WBCHSE). In this studymat, you’ll find detailed Notes from Psychology Class 11 Chapter 3. This is designed to clarify your understanding and help you excel in your Class 11 Psychology Semester 1 Exam. Additionally, this study material is a valuable resource for competitive exams for psychology students. Stay tuned as we dive into Psychology Class 11 Chapter 3 MCQs with Answers to enhance your grasp of this essential subject further.

Bases of Human Behaviour – Introduction | Notes

Human Behavior is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. These factors work together to shape how we think, feel, and act.

Biological Factors:

Biological Factors include our genetics, brain structure, and hormones. Our genes play a role in determining things like our personality and mental health. The brain is the control center of our body and influences how we process information and respond to different situations. Hormones are chemicals in our body that can affect our mood, energy levels, and behavior.

Psychological Factors:

Psychological Factors involve our thoughts, emotions, and mental processes. Our past experiences, memories, and how we interpret events around us can influence our behavior. For example, if someone has a fear of public speaking, it might be because of a negative experience in the past.

Social Factors:

Social Factors include the people around us, our culture, and our environment. Our family, friends, and society influence our behavior through social norms, expectations, and peer pressure. For example, the way we dress or speak might be influenced by the cultural group we belong to.

In summary, human behavior is a result of the complex interaction between our biology, mind, and the world around us. Understanding these bases helps us better comprehend why people behave the way they do.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What are the Bases of Human Behaviour?
  • What is the Introduction of Behaviour?
  • What are the Two Major Bases of Human Behaviour?
  • What is Human Behaviour Class 11?
  • What is the Basis of Human Behaviour?
  • What is the Concept of Human Behaviour?
  • Chapter 3 Psychology Class 11 Notes.

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