An Astrologer’s Day | MCQs with Answers | Prose | Class 11 | A Realm

An Astrologer’s Day | MCQs with Answers

An Astrologer’s Day, MCQs with Answers will be discussed in this article from the English textbook “A Realm”. It is the second language (Code: ENGB) for class 11 approved by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE). An Astrologer’s Day written by R. K. Narayan is a Prose of Class 11, Semester I syllabus 2024. Here, we will discuss all possible Multiple-Choice-Questions (MCQs) and Answers like, Choice Based MCQs, True/ False, Fill in the Blanks, Matching, Assertion and Reasoning from the text.

An Astrologer’s Day | MCQs with Answers

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given :

1. How does the astrologer make his living?
a) By accurately predicting the future of his clients
b) By selling fake horoscopes to unsuspecting customers
c) By performing elaborate rituals to appease the Gods
d) By offering advice on various life matters to his clients

Ans: d) By offering advice on various life matters to his clients

2. What is the turning point of the story that leads to the astrologer’s realisation?
a) He finds a valuable gem stone while strolling through the market place
b) He encounters a man from the past whom he had tried to kill
c) He discovers that his wife has been cheating on him
d) He meets a wealthy client who offers him a large sum of money

Ans: b) He encounters a man from the past whom he had tried to kill

3. What professional equipment did the astrologer carry with him?
A) A crystal ball, a wand, and tarot cards
B) Cowrie shells, a cloth with mystic charts, a notebook, and palmyra writings
C) A laptop, a mobile phone, and a calculator
D) A mirror, incense sticks, and candles

Ans: B) Cowrie shells, a cloth with mystic charts, a notebook, and palmyra writings

4. Where did the astrologer set up his practice?
A) Inside the Town Hall
B) Under a banyan tree by a temple
C) Under the boughs of a tamarind tree in the Town Hall Park
D) At a busy marketplace

Ans: C) Under the boughs of a tamarind tree in the Town Hall Park

5. Why did the astrologer decide to leave his village?
A) He wanted to study astrology in a big city
B) He had to escape after attempting to kill someone
C) He was pursuing a lost love
D) He was dissatisfied with farming

Ans: B) He had to escape after attempting to kill someone

6. What was the astrologer’s approach to answering his clients’ questions?
A) He studied the stars meticulously before giving answers
B) He relied on his natural prophetic abilities
C) He used shrewd guesswork based on the clients’ words
D) He consulted religious texts and manuscripts

Ans: C) He used shrewd guesswork based on the clients’ words

7. What did the astrologer initially charge for his services?
A) One anna per question
B) Five rupees per session
C) Three pice per question
D) Eight annas per consultation

Ans: C) Three pice per question

8. Why did the astrologer feel uncomfortable during his interaction with the stranger?
A) The stranger was a police officer
B) The astrologer recognized the stranger as someone from his past
C) The astrologer was not confident in his skills
D) The stranger threatened him with physical harm

Ans: B) The astrologer recognized the stranger as someone from his past

9. How did the stranger react when the astrologer mentioned a knife wound?
A) He laughed it off as a joke
B) He showed the astrologer the scar on his chest
C) He denied having any wounds
D) He accused the astrologer of lying

Ans: B) He showed the astrologer the scar on his chest

10. What did the astrologer advise Guru Nayak to do?
A) Travel south to find his enemy
B) Return to his village and avoid traveling south
C) Continue his search for revenge
D) Seek blessings from a nearby temple

Ans: B) Return to his village and avoid traveling south

11. What was Guru Nayak’s primary goal in visiting the astrologer?
A) To find out his future success in business
B) To inquire about his family’s health
C) To get guidance on his spiritual journey
D) To learn about the whereabouts of the man who wronged him

Ans: D) To learn about the whereabouts of the man who wronged him

12. What did the astrologer reveal about the person Guru Nayak was searching for?
A) The person was hiding nearby
B) The person had died in a far-off town
C) The person had left the country
D) The person was now living under a new identity

Ans: B) The person had died in a far-off town

13. What was the astrologer’s reaction after the stranger left?
A) He felt a sense of relief
B) He was angry about being cheated out of a promised payment
C) He decided to quit his profession
D) He was scared and anxious about the encounter

Ans: A) He felt a sense of relief

14. Why did the astrologer originally run away from his village?
A) He wanted to become an astrologer
B) He committed a crime and feared retribution
C) He was in search of better opportunities in the city
D) He was forced out by the village elders

Ans: B) He committed a crime and feared retribution

15. What did the astrologer’s wife plan to do with the money he brought home?
A) Buy sweets for their child
B) Invest it in a new business
C) Save it for future expenses
D) Donate it to a local temple

Ans: A) Buy sweets for their child

16. How did the astrologer feel about his encounter with Guru Nayak after returning home?
A) He was still worried and fearful
B) He felt a great burden had been lifted
C) He was eager to encounter more clients like Guru Nayak
D) He regretted the interaction and wanted to move to another town

Ans: B) He felt a great burden had been lifted

17. What was the astrologer’s reaction to learning that his attempted victim was still alive?
A) He was horrified and fled the town
B) He was relieved and felt unburdened
C) He was indifferent and unmoved
D) He was disappointed and vowed to finish the job

Ans: B) He was relieved and felt unburdened.

True/False Questions:

1. The astrologer set up his practice under a banyan tree in the village.

Ans: False
(He set up his practice under the boughs of a tamarind tree in the Town Hall Park.)

2. The astrologer’s equipment included cowrie shells and a piece of cloth with mystic charts.

Ans: True

3. The astrologer’s clients were attracted to him because of his deep knowledge of astrology.

Ans: False
(His clients were attracted to him because of his appearance and his shrewd guesswork.)

4. The astrologer originally intended to become an astrologer when he left his village.

Ans: False
(He had no intention of becoming an astrologer when he left his village.)

5. The astrologer charged three pice per question.

Ans: True

6. The astrologer recognized the stranger as someone from his past.

Ans: True

7. The stranger was skeptical of the astrologer’s abilities and challenged him.

Ans: True

8. The astrologer correctly guessed that the stranger had been stabbed and left for dead.

Ans: True

9. The stranger, Guru Nayak, wanted to find the person who had wronged him.

Ans: True

10. The astrologer advised Guru Nayak to travel southward to find his enemy.

Ans: False
(The astrologer advised Guru Nayak to return home and avoid traveling south.)

11. The astrologer revealed that the person Guru Nayak was searching for had died in a far-off town.

Ans: True

12. The astrologer felt relieved after his encounter with Guru Nayak.

Ans: True

13. The astrologer’s wife was disappointed with the money he brought home.

Ans: False
(She was overjoyed with the money he brought home.)

14. The astrologer originally left his village because he wanted to pursue a career in astrology.

Ans: False
(He left his village because he thought he had the blood of a man on his hands.)

15. Guru Nayak paid the astrologer exactly what he promised.

Ans: False
(Guru Nayak promised the astrologer a rupee but paid him less.)

16. The astrologer’s wife planned to buy sweets for their child with the money he brought home.

Ans: True

17. The astrologer was nervous when he realized who Guru Nayak was.

Ans: True

18. The place where the astrologer worked was well-lit by municipal lighting.

Ans: False
(The place was lit up by shop lights, gaslights, flares, and cycle lamps, not by municipal lighting.)

19. The astrologer did not really know astrology and relied on his intuition and guesswork.

Ans: True

20. At the end of the story, the astrologer was still worried about his past catching up with him.

Ans: False
(He felt a great load had been lifted from him.)

Fill in the Blanks Questions:

1. The astrologer spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen _____ shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts, a notebook, and a bundle of palmyra writing.

Ans: cowrie

2. The astrologer’s forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and _____.

Ans: vermilion

3. The astrologer sat under the boughs of a spreading _____ tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park.

Ans: tamarind

4. The place where the astrologer sat was lit up by shop lights, some of which had hissing gaslights, naked flares, and old _____ lamps.

Ans: cycle

5. The astrologer had left his village without any previous thought or plan, fearing that he had the _____ of a man on his hands.

Ans: blood

6. The astrologer charged _____ pice per question and never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes.

Ans: three

7. Guru Nayak, the stranger, showed the astrologer the scar on his chest where a _____ had passed through him once.

Ans: knife

8. The astrologer advised Guru Nayak to never travel _____ again, as it would bring great danger to his life.

Ans: southward

9. The astrologer revealed to Guru Nayak that the person he was searching for had died _____ months ago in a far-off town.

Ans: four

10. Guru Nayak gave the astrologer a handful of _____ before leaving.

Ans: coins

11. The astrologer told his wife that a great _____ was gone from him that day, as he had learned the man he thought he killed was still alive.

Ans: load

12. The astrologer’s wife was overjoyed with the money he brought home, planning to buy _____ and coconut for their child.

Ans: jaggery

13. The astrologer’s wife counted the money and found that it was _____ and a half annas.

Ans: twelve

14. The astrologer was piqued when the stranger thrust his _____ under his nose, demanding a worthwhile answer.

Ans: palm

15. The astrologer wore a _____ colored turban around his head, which enhanced the power of his eyes.

Ans: saffron

16. The astrologer used _____ guesswork and observation to make his predictions.

Ans: shrewd

17. The astrologer realized the stranger was someone from his past when he caught a glimpse of his face by the _____ light.

Ans: match

18. The astrologer had a working analysis of mankind’s troubles: marriage, money, and the tangles of human _____.

Ans: ties

19. Guru Nayak asked the astrologer if he would succeed in his present _____.

Ans: search

20. After dinner, the astrologer sat on the _____ and shared his story with his wife.

Ans: pyol

Matching Questions:

Column AColumn B
1. Cowrie shellsA. The place where the astrologer set up his practice
2. Saffron-colored turbanB. The astrologer’s fee per question
3. Tamberind treeC. The astrologer’s forehead decoration, along with sacred ash
4. Town Hall ParkD. The tree under which the astrologer worked
5. Three piceE. The light that illuminated the stranger’s palm
6. Green shaft of lightF. The scar that Guru Nayak showed the astrologer
7. Knife scarG. The time when the person Guru Nayak was searching for had died
8. Four months agoH. The amount of money the astrologer received from Guru Nayak
9. Twelve and a half annasI. The platform where the astrologer sat and talked to his wife
10. PyolJ. A part of the astrologer’s professional equipment
11. The AstrologerK. Challenged the astrologer with a question about his search
12. Guru NayakL. Was killed in an accident four months prior
13. The Astrologer’s WifeM. Planned to buy sweets for her child with the money
14. The Nuts-vendorN. Recognized the stranger from his past and felt relieved after the encounter
15. The Person Guru Nayak was searching forO. Blew out his flare as a signal to close for the day
16. Left his villageP. The advice given to Guru Nayak to avoid danger
17. Charged three piceQ. The astrologer’s action due to a fear of retribution
18. Recognized by matchlightR. The astrologer’s professional equipment
19. Never travel southwardS. The astrologer’s fee for each question
20. Bundle of palmyra writingT. The way the astrologer identified the stranger


Column AColumn B
1. Cowrie shellsJ. A part of the astrologer’s professional equipment
2. Saffron-colored turbanC. The astrologer’s forehead decoration, along with sacred ash
3. Tamberind treeD. The tree under which the astrologer worked
4. Town Hall ParkA. The place where the astrologer set up his practice
5. Three piceB. The astrologer’s fee per question
6. Green shaft of lightE. The light that illuminated the stranger’s palm
7. Knife scarF. The scar that Guru Nayak showed the astrologer
8. Four months agoG. The time when the person Guru Nayak was searching for had died
9. Twelve and a half annasH. The amount of money the astrologer received from Guru Nayak
10. PyolI. The platform where the astrologer sat and talked to his wife
11. The AstrologerN. Recognized the stranger from his past and felt relieved after the encounter
12. Guru NayakK. Challenged the astrologer with a question about his search
13. The Astrologer’s WifeM. Planned to buy sweets for her child with the money
14. The Nuts-vendorO. Blew out his flare as a signal to close for the day
15. The Person Guru Nayak was searching forL. Was killed in an accident four months prior
16. Left his villageQ. The astrologer’s action due to a fear of retribution
17. Charged three piceS. The astrologer’s fee for each question
18. Recognized by matchlightT. The way the astrologer identified the stranger
19. Never travel southwardP. The advice given to Guru Nayak to avoid danger
20. Bundle of palmyra writingR. The astrologer’s professional equipment

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