Theoretical Models of Well-Being that explain positive schooling.

In this article, we will Discuss the Theoretical Models of Well-Being that explain positive schooling.

Theoretical Models of Well-Being that explain positive schooling.

There are several theoretical models of well-being that can help explain positive schooling.

VIA Classification Model:

The VIA classification model was developed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman and proposes that well-being is achieved by using one’s character strengths and virtues. The model identifies 24 character strengths grouped into six virtues: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Positive schooling can be achieved by helping students identify and develop their character strengths, which can help them achieve academic success, engage in meaningful activities, and develop positive relationships with teachers and peers.

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PERMA Model:

The PERMA model was developed by Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology. It proposes that well-being is made up of five key elements: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement. Positive schooling can be achieved by providing students with opportunities to experience positive emotions, engaging in activities that promote skill development, fostering positive relationships with teachers and peers, finding meaning in academic work and extracurricular activities, and achieving success in their endeavours.

Overall, these theoretical models provide different perspectives on the key elements of well-being and how they can be fostered in the context of positive schooling. By providing students with opportunities to use their character strengths, experience positive emotions, engage in meaningful activities, develop their skills and competencies, foster positive relationships with teachers and peers, find meaning in their academic work and extracurricular activities, and achieve success in their endeavours, positive schooling can contribute to students’ overall well-being and long-term success.

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